Please complete this questionnaire. Your answers will help determine if Chiropractic can help you. Please answer ALL questions, even if they seem unrelated to your case. There are conditions Chiropractic can help that you may be unaware of. If we do not sincerely believe your condition will respond satisfactorily, we will not accept your case.
Why Chiropractic? People go to chiropractors for a variety of reasons. Some go for symptomatic relief of pain or discomfort (Relief Care). Others are interested in having the cause of the problem as well as the symptoms corrected and relieved (Corrective Care). Still others want whatever is malfunctioning in their bodies brought to the highest state of health possible with Chiropractic Care (Wellness). These are the three phases of care. Your doctor will weigh your needs and desires when recommending your schedule of care. However, this prepared recommendation is in incorporation of all three phases.